How to install DropBox on Amazon EC2 10.0.4 LTS

This is a continuation of my previous posts. We have so far created an EC 2 instance and created a GUI frontend using a FreeNX server.

The best way to transfer data to and from your EC2 instance is with Dropbox. You could use a Webdav too but that’s a little extra work and hence for another day

Lets first install Firefox for the shiny new GUI with the command

sudo apt-get install firefox

Now head to your NX GUI, fire up firefox and head on over to


Install gdebi to easily manage the debian installations. You have a 32bit version of Ubuntu 10.0.4

sudo apt-get install gdebi

You can simply double click to open up the Dropbox .deb installer to install dropbox.

After gdebi has done its job go to

Applications –> Internet –> Dropbox

Now let Dropbox do its thing.


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How to install a GUI to your Ubuntu 10.0.4 Amazon EC 2 instance using FreeNX

Amazon EC 2 is awesome but the command line makes it a little boring. The Non-geeks in us still love to use Windows instead of staring at a black screen and typing in codes to do everything.

I understand command line is all super powerful in the hands of the right person but for me its GUI any day.

FreeNX is a software that will let you view your computer from far away. I will be installing this on an Amazon EC 2 instance (Refer to my older post on how to create an EC 2 instance).

This article follows heavily from the official Ubuntu documentation form FreeNX at

It makes sense to just use that but I kind of don't like the fact that it almost always never works well after a while. This install of FreeNX is for installation on Ubuntu 10.0.4 . More particularly it is for installation on an Amazon EC 2 instance running the Ubuntu 10.0.4 LTS OS.

Add the FreeNX PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freenx-team

Update Apt & Install FreeNX

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install freenx

imageWell Yes of course! Watch the Matrix and come back in a little while.


Get the nxsetup script, unpack it, copy the script and run it using the following commands.


tar -xvf nxsetup.tar.gz

sudo cp nxsetup /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup

sudo /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup –install

I choose NOT to create my own Key pairs. This leads to a simpler but less secure setup.


Next Step: Setup password based authentication

Now, to login to EC2 you just used a Private Key. You didn’t have to use a password. But unfortunately FreeNX doesn’t work this way. It must have a username and password associated with an account in order for it work.

So let’s create a password for the user named ubuntu

First lets’s change the /etc/ssh/ssh-config file to allow for Password based authentication


sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh-config


Press Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + C to go back to command line.

We’ll create a password for the user called ubuntu.

sudo passwd ubuntu

Enter an appropriate password and save it safely.

Now Reboot the system

sudo reboot

While this happens download the NX client for Windows or Ubuntu and install it on your PC.

Next Step: NX Client


Install the NX client for Windows.


Click on Configure to bring up the following windows


Enter the Public DNS of your EC 2 instance for the Host address and hit OK.

Enter the Password that you just created for the user Ubuntu and hit Login. If you see this, Congrats Smile




It is recommended that you create Key pairs for optimal security.


The following forums helped in this installation:

Other ways of installing NX and EC 2

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How to setup a micro instance running Ubuntu 10.0.4 on Amazon EC 2

Amazon, the giant has a beautiful service called EC 2 that lets you use their vast computing resources and super high speed internet network to setup your own server. The server is just like your computer except that you don’t control or own any hardware.

You get a command line through which you can access EC 2. In these tutorials I’ll be teaching you how to setup EC 2 starting with the basics. We will setup a remote access using an NX client, run OpenERP, Dropbox and an OpenVPN service.

Step 1:

Go to and signup for an account.

Once you are done with it click on the EC2 tab. Click on Instances—> Create new instance. You’ll see a window like the own below.


Click on Community AMI’s and search for ami-3e02f257

This is a Ubuntu Linux 10.0.4 micro instance and this is what we will be using for all my tutorials. Select it to head to the next step.

Step 2

Micro Instances are free for a year but have very low system resources. If you want a better server subscribe to one of the many plans that suit you.


Step 3


It’s a Kougon instance Smile with tongue out ! Next Step

Step 4



Create a key pair, you’ll need this to login to your EC 2 instance via putty or other SSH clients. Save this key in a very very secure place. It will have an extension of *.pem


That’s it. Your instance is now ready to rock.

Step 5-1 : Connecting to the Instance

Get Putty from the official site here

I’d prefer using the Install Everything Installer. We will require Putty & Puttygen for the next few operations.

Putty cannot use the *.pem key that Amazon gave you when you generated the key and this has to be converted into a putty friendly *.ppk format. To do this…

Open Puttygen – > Click on Conversions in Menu Bar –> Click on Import Key.

Now you will see some weird data. That’s the key. Now click on Save private key


It will ask you if you really want to do it. Just do it. Save this ppk file just as safely as the pem file.

Step 5-2: Connect with Putty

Putty Should look like this.

The host name can be found in the AWS console. Click on your EC2 instance and note down the public DNS address listed under Description.


The other option that needs to change is Connection –> SSH—>Auth. It should look like this


The location of private key file is obviously that super secret place where you saved the ppk file.

hit Open :)

Step 6: Putty’d

In the Putty console that opens up, it’ll say some stuff about trusting the connection. You don’t have much choice so hit “Yes”

It’ll then ask for an username: Type in  ubuntu


Congratulations on Successfully creating & logging into your first EC-2 instance.

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