How to install DropBox on Amazon EC2 10.0.4 LTS

This is a continuation of my previous posts. We have so far created an EC 2 instance and created a GUI frontend using a FreeNX server.

The best way to transfer data to and from your EC2 instance is with Dropbox. You could use a Webdav too but that’s a little extra work and hence for another day

Lets first install Firefox for the shiny new GUI with the command

sudo apt-get install firefox

Now head to your NX GUI, fire up firefox and head on over to


Install gdebi to easily manage the debian installations. You have a 32bit version of Ubuntu 10.0.4

sudo apt-get install gdebi

You can simply double click to open up the Dropbox .deb installer to install dropbox.

After gdebi has done its job go to

Applications –> Internet –> Dropbox

Now let Dropbox do its thing.


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