Did Man go to Moon?

The shortest answer to his question is "YES" we did.

Then why the controversy? you would ask . It all has to do with some cheap publicity sought by fox news in the 90s.
They showed footage from earth and compared it with the one from the apollo missions and then blantly concluded that we never went to the moon.

The Saturn Rocket that carried man to moon

most popular arguement put forward by people who say we never went to the moon is that the flag unfurled by the astronomers is fluttering in the air , given the fact that the moon has no atmosphere and hence no air they say that the whole thing was shot at a location in nevada. But if we were to consider the actual reason for the flag to appear to be fluttering it looks like a great joke. Here is the reason:-
When the mission began , the crew were supposed to simply get the flag across on a T shaped pole. The idea was that since moon had no air , the flag would anyway droop down which wouldn't look good on such a great mission. So in order to have the flag upright a T-pole was sent to hoist the flag as we do a curtain. Unfortunately due to a mechanical glitch the flag did not extend completely. There were a lot of ridges on it and it looked as if it were fluttering in the wind. The Apollo astronauts thought that it looked good and unfurled the flag as it was;with the glitch. All subsequent missions followed the same idea in all their missions and it held on. And this was used as a proof by the hoaxers!!!

All this and more of the supposed hoaxes are busted at "badastronomy.com"
use the link above to see more of the supposed hoax stories demystified


The following video summarizes the attitude of the moon hoax busters

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